Investigating Novel Strategies in Pediatric Immune Responses and Microbiome Environment: Comprehensive Lung Disease Investigation in Children


INSPIRE CHILD is an ambitious research project aimed at generating new and groundbreaking knowledge about children’s lung health. The project focuses on understanding how microbes (the microbiome), inflammatory proteins (cytokines), and the immune system in the lungs influence the development of lung diseases in children. This is a relatively unexplored area, and our efforts have the potential to revolutionize the approach to both diagnosing and treating lung diseases during childhood.

Previously, it was assumed that the lungs were sterile, but pioneering research has shown that, much like the gut, the lungs host a complex microbiome. This microbiome, primarily composed of bacteria, may play a far greater role in lung health than previously understood. INSPIRE CHILD investigates how the microbiome changes in different lung diseases and whether these changes contribute to disease progression. This is further combined with an analysis of inflammatory proteins and immune cells in the lungs. By studying children with lung diseases, the project offers new insights into the interaction between the microbiome and the immune system.

The project collects data through bronchoscopy (an endoscopic examination of the lungs) and analyses of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples, which are obtained from children already undergoing treatment. By combining advanced laboratory techniques with clinical observations, INSPIRE CHILD provides a unique window into the biological processes occurring in children’s lungs. These data allow us to identify novel biomarkers that can be used for early diagnosis and to develop more targeted treatments.

Thus, the overarching goal of INSPIRE CHILD is not only to help children currently living with chronic lung diseases but also to prevent such conditions in future generations. By enhancing our understanding of the factors that influence lung health, we aim to give children a healthier future – one where they can breathe freely and thrive throughout their lives.


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